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New posts in maven-surefire-plugin

Maven: Surefire --dry-run?

Stop tests execution after first error/failure with maven surefire [duplicate]

Keeping the maven deploy plugin from deploying on test failures

Maven surefire forkMode pertest deprecated. What is the new settings?

JDK-13 Unsupported class file major version for surefire plugin

Running an intersection of tests using Junit and Maven

Surefire forkCount not resulting in this number of processes

How to exclude specific unit tests from default "maven test" and eclipse "run as junit test"

Unit test class runs old version in eclipse

JUnit optional/required tests

Running Cucumber tests with Junit Categories via Maven

Using JUnit RunListener in IntelliJ IDEA

Unable to load sun.util.resources.cldr.provider.CLDRLocaleDataMetaInfo

How to run Maven surefire without printing out test results to the command line?

Maven surefire arguments when running JUnit test via eclipse

Running code before and after all tests in a surefire execution

Maven Surefire with JUnit 5 hiding stacktraces