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link PHP with Octave or Matlab

php matlab octave

How can I run the profiler from the command line?

matlab profiler

How can I pass a null reference in matlab so that isa returns true?

matlab reference null

3D trajectory reconstruction from video (taken by a single camera)

How to get derivative of a function in MATLAB?


Renaming an Excel Sheet Name in Matlab

excel matlab

How to train SVM in matlab for character recognition?

matlab ocr svm

Fitting a distribution to data - MATLAB

How can I capture multiple return values in a call to MATLAB's arrayfun?

arrays matlab return-value

matlab: converting a vector to a cell array of strings

matlab cell

Matlab surf with Different Colour Schemes

matlab visualization

Is it possible to load Excel sheets' name into MATLAB by using 'xlsread'?

excel matlab file-io

Is there an equivalent Matlab dot function in numpy?

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make a matrix 'n' time bigger in matlab

Indexes and values of surrounding cells in 3d matrix

matlab matrix

Matlab - Select Specific Row Based on Condition

matlab matrix indexing

ERROR: 'You must call TIC without an output argument before calling TOC without an input argument.'

Taking the max of contiguous matrix chunks in MATLAB

matlab matrix vectorization

Use a vector to index a matrix without linear index

Programmatically Labeling a Signal in Simulink