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New posts in marshalling

C# and void pointers

Marshal and magic_copy in js_of_ocaml

Marshal C++ "string" class in C# P/Invoke

How expensive is using MarshalByRefObject compared to serialization?

How do I call an unmanaged function that has a char[] as OUT parameter from C#?

c# .net c pinvoke marshalling

How to marshal to ANSI string via attribute?

c# c marshalling

Does C# have an equivalent to #pragma pack in C++?

c# c++ marshalling

Safe use of Marshal.Copy from raw bitmap data to managed array

c# bitmap marshalling

Using a custom class as a JAX-WS return type?

java jax-ws marshalling

What is the difference between C# marshaled struct pointers?

c# struct marshalling

P/Invoke with arrays of double - marshalling data between C# and C++

Call unmanaged Code from C# - returning a struct with arrays

c# c++ pinvoke ipc marshalling

Sending a struct from C++ to WPF using WM_COPYDATA

Returning pointers from unmanaged to managed code

c# pinvoke marshalling

How to pass context to nested serializers in Marshmallow?

Marshal's [In] [Out] Attributes

tf.data.Dataset from tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator.flow_from_directory?

NullReferenceException during C++ callback to C# function

How to gracefully unload a child AppDomain that has threads running

Marshalling stucts with bit-fields in C#

c# marshalling bit-fields