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New posts in many-to-one

envers multi level entity revision howto

Trying to understand the importance of an owning side of a one-many relationship in ORM

Hibernate Many-To-One Foreign Key Default 0

java hibernate orm many-to-one

Spring MVC with Hibernate - OneToMany mapping in form

Hibernate creating N+1 queries for @ManyToOne JPA annotated property

Two attributes sharing the same OneToMany relationship to one entity Symfony2

Doctrine @UniqueEntity with ManyToOne fields?

Hibernate criteria query using Max() projection on key field and group by foreign primary key

How do I left join tables in unidirectional many-to-one in Hibernate?

java hibernate orm many-to-one

org.hibernate.AnnotationException: @OneToOne or @ManyToOne on <entity> references an unknown entity

Symfony2 / Doctrine2 - ManyToOne - Save inverse side

Hibernate two ManyToOne relations on one Table, the first gets Eager and the second LAZY loaded

Hibernate @ManyToOne only works with CascadeType.ALL

Construct JPA query for a OneToMany relation

Doctrine 2 ManyToOne with multiple joinColumns

JPA @OneToMany and composite PK

Hibernate ManyToOne with FetchType.LAZY not fetching lazy

Hibernate annotated many-to-one not adding child to parent Collection

Hibernate insert cascade not inserting foreign key

How to remove Create and Edit... from many2one field.?