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New posts in long-integer

Update element with ajax don't affect until for loop end

How to find N longest lines in a text file and print them to stdout?

How to handle a 32 digits numeric in Java and PostgreSQL?

NullPointerException using Long after equality check

Java 24-bit number signing

How Java processes for overflow integers [duplicate]

How to use printf() method with long values in Java?

java printf long-integer

when extending python with c, how do one cope with arbitrary size integers?

Why is the Stream.Position a long

c# asp.net long-integer

Convert set of ascii characters back to string

Does Casting Interpret the Value or just the Bits?

c# casting double long-integer

What is the exact value range for unsigned long?

c long-integer unsigned

Converting a C byte array to a long long

c arrays byte long-integer

How to use Long data type in C?

java c rounding long-integer

Python MySQLdb converters isn't working

Unable to parse 64 bit binary numbers to long

java binary long-integer bit

Difference between Long.parseLong(String s) and new Long(String s)?

java string long-integer

Why do 4 different languages give 4 different results here?

Convert long to int, keep positive/negative/0

java integer long-integer

Really confused by java data type in this specific case [duplicate]

java long-integer