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Does Casting Interpret the Value or just the Bits?

So I've always understood casting means taking the binary of something, and interpreting it as the casted entity (truncating if necessary). However I've noticed in C#, you can take a double, which is a 64bit representation that includes exponent as well as value. You can cast it to a long, which is a 64bit representation of a integer with no exponent. Therefore, it seems to me that if you take a random decimal value (say 10.43245) stored in a double, and cast that to a long, you would get some random number that happens to be whatever that binary turns out to be in a long. However that is not what happens, you simply get the truncated decimal and a value of 10.

Is my definition of casting wrong? Or does c# bend the rules a little bit here to give the programmer moreso what they probably expect from such a cast (I also assume java probably does the same, what about c++?)

like image 677
Kevin DiTraglia Avatar asked Jul 23 '14 02:07

Kevin DiTraglia

2 Answers

Nothing magical about it, but it has to be doing more than just a straight convert of bits. For instance, look at how your would convert a float to a integer in assembly:

[Reference: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/10679/Convert-Float-to-Int-using-Assembly-Language-Progr]

int ftoi(float flt)
    int i;
        mov  eax,flt; //loaded mem to acc
        rcl  eax,1;   //left shift acc to remove the sign
        mov  ebx,eax; //save the acc
        mov  edx,4278190080; //clear reg edx;
        and  eax,edx; //and acc to retrieve the exponent
        shr  eax,24;
        sub  eax,7fh; //subtract 7fh(127) to get the actual power 
        mov  edx,eax; //save acc val power
        mov  eax,ebx; //retrieve from ebx
        rcl  eax,8;     //trim the left 8 bits that contain the power
        mov  ebx,eax; //store
        mov  ecx, 1fh; //subtract 17 h
        sub  ecx,edx; 
        mov  edx,00000000h;
        cmp  ecx,0;
        je   loop2;
        shr  eax,1;
        or   eax,80000000h;        
        shr  eax,1; //shift (total bits - power bits);
        sub  ecx,1;
        add  edx,1;
        cmp  ecx,0;
        ja   loop1;
        mov  i, eax;        

//check sign +/-        
        mov  eax,flt;
        and  eax,80000000h;
        cmp  eax,80000000h;
        je     putsign;

    return i;

    return -i;

It's shifting over, then trimming, then subtracting, then shifting again.

like image 104
Ben Humphrey Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09

Ben Humphrey

In c# cast is an explicit conversion. Section 6 of C# specification 5.0 deals with conversions. In particular section 6.2.1 covers how numerical explicit conversions are defined in the language. As a rule they try to preserve the numerical value being converted as much as it's possible.

like image 34
Andrew Savinykh Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Andrew Savinykh