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How to define variables in spring's xmls to use in log4j.properties

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PropertyConfigurator in log4j2

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decent log viewer that works with NLog [closed]

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Tomcat 7 - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/spi/ThrowableInformation

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Is there an adapter for log4j2 to work over slf4j?

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log4j.properties being ignored

How to change slf4j level at runtime?

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Can eclipse monitor an arbitrary log file in the Console view?

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Retrieve List of Log4J Appenders at Run Time

java logging log4j

Problem with Commons Logging / Log4j setup in spring webapp with tomcat 6

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Baffled by Java Logging Systems with Spring and Hibernate

Log4j 2. How get log4j's debug messages?

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How do I properly Log4j, closing all Appenders and, therefore, files

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What should the mail.debug=true option of javax.mail do?

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how to configure log4j for Mybatis to print my SQL

java log4j mybatis

log4j log file in user home directory

java log4j

Log4j2 using {} against using %d or %s

Log4j - org.hibernate.type doesn't work!

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Production settings file for log4j?

java log4j

How to turn off log4j warnings?

java log4j