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how to configure log4j for Mybatis to print my SQL

My project is set up with SpringMVC+Mybatis+EXTJS4. This is my configuration:

# Rules reminder:

# Global logging configuration


#log4j.additivity.com.ibatis = false
#log4j.additivity.java.sql = false

## Console output...
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p %d %C: %m%n

but it does not print SQL in Console,can any one help me? thanks lot

like image 454
sence Avatar asked Sep 01 '11 08:09


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2 Answers

Jaradinor's answer will probably work. But, I think the underlying issue is due to how the MyBatis LogFactory class is implemented. In a static block, it attempts to load slf4j, then commmons-logging, then log4j. So, if you have commons-logging in your classpath it will use that. Since you are using Spring, you probably do have commons-logging.

It's because of issues like this I have moved to slf4j. Use slf4j-log4j12 to have slf4j call to log4j. Use jcl-over-slf4j to route all the Spring (and other) commons-logging to slf4j (and then to log4j). Make sure you exclude the 'real' commons-logging jar file from your classpath when you do this - maybe with an <exclude> if you are using Maven.

like image 160
AngerClown Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 13:10


I encountered a similar problem. The following code helped me (i've used it in the mybatis class configuration):


May cause problems become other logging system in your classpath.

like image 33
Jarandinor Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 12:10
