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New posts in locale

iOS: Display time in 24-hour format if locale appropriate?

ios time locale

How can I change the locale used by IntelliJ IDEA?

How to read Cyrillic Unicode file in C++?

Does Android provide an API for determining weekend days that is locale-aware?

android calendar locale

Font resources for different Languages

Anyone had success using a specific locale for a PostgreSQL database so that text comparison is case-insensitive?

C++ : convert date/time string to tm struct

c++ datetime locale

Why does PHP's iconv need setlocale?

php locale iconv

xlocale broken on OS X?

c++ macos locale libc++ xlocale

Browser Locale in Playframework

Java override locale setting for specific locale

java locale

Spring 3 validation: using messages.property entry inside errorArgs?

How do I know the measurement units corresponding to a given locale?

setlocale in Mac OS X doesn't work

c++ macos locale setlocale

Use Different Locale for @NumberFormat in Spring

Anything for deciding default paper size based on locale?

java locale

Shift-JIS decoding fails using wifstrem in Visual C++ 2013

Android get system locale different approaches

localeCompare on iOS

Get local currency in swift

xcode swift locale currency