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New posts in linq-to-entities

Is there any way to create a LINQ query as a variable without having the data source (yet)?

Linq to Entities SqlFunctions.DateDiff not supported

Is it possible to call named method within a call to Where?

Split string with LINQ

Remove item from collection entity framework

Select clause containing non-EF method calls

LINQ to Entities produces query containing datetime2 on SQL 2005 Express

Why is this linq expression not working?

How to solve "The method 'Skip' is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities."

Comparing dates in linq

Is it a bad idea to jump into LINQ to SQL now?

Unable to cast object of type '<>f__AnonymousType1`2 [System.Int64,System.String]' to type 'ConsoleApplication1.Profile'.

c# linq-to-entities

extract one column from a var using linq

c# linq-to-entities

DateTime Add calculation inside Linq to entities query

c# linq-to-entities

LINQ to Entities using the SQL LIKE operator

How to perform multiple Linq to Entities orderings dynamically

Linq query runs in a fraction of a second, but .ToList() takes 3.5 seconds

Data projection in Entity Framework and Automapper [duplicate]

Linq to entities Left Join

Linq 2 SQL or Linq Entities