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New posts in linq-to-entities

LINQ to Entities query takes long to compile, SQL runs fast

Query returning nothing when there is data in the database

Initial performance issue with LINQ to Entities when using TPH & complex types, Pregen Views seem to do nothing?

Using Where( Expression<Func<T, bool>> ) in IGrouping

c# linq linq-to-entities

Selecting Consecutive Entries with LINQ to Entities

How to convert Linq.ParallelQuery to Linq.IQueryable

EntityFunctions.TruncateTime alternative when using EF CTP5 with Sql Server Compact Edition 4.0

How can I compose an Entity Framework query from smaller, resusable queries?

handling empty strings using linq

c# linq linq-to-entities

Creating a property that LINQ to Entities can translate

Use dictionary inside linq query

LIKE with Linq to Entities

How to get row index by entity key in a dynamically built query using Entity Framework

LinqToEntities produces incorrect SQL (Doubled Subquery)

c# sql linq linq-to-entities

In LINQ query, how to order by included table column using .Include()?

EF Where(x => x.ColumnVal == 1) vs FirstOrDefault(x => x.Column == 1)