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New posts in lifetime

Why do I need to collect into a vector when using `flat_map`?

Why am I being allowed to use a const qualified variable as an array size in C?

c arrays constants lifetime

Casting away lifetime constraints?

rust lifetime

Understanding ASP.Net session life time

How to declare a closure that lives longer than its enclosing block

rust lifetime ownership

Return something that's allocated on the stack

stack rust lifetime

Moved variable still borrowing after calling `drop`?

rust lifetime

How can I use lifetime bounds to solve "reference must be valid for the static lifetime"

rust lifetime

Why can Rust not infer the proper lifetime in simple closures, or infers they are conflicting?

rust lifetime

Extend lifetime of variable

rust lifetime

Lifetime error using associated type of trait with lifetime parameter

rust traits lifetime borrowing

Why can a generic lifetime parameter in Rust be specialized to two disjoint lifetimes for one object?

rust lifetime

Application lifetime in ASP.NET

How to create a struct with a vector of references?

reference rust lifetime

Specifying lifetimes in function pointer types in a struct

How to check MySQL cache lifetime?

mysql lifetime

Does the third rule of lifetime elision capture all cases for struct implementations?

rust lifetime

How can I constrain the lifetime of a struct to that of a 'parent' struct?

rust lifetime

Is it possible to disable Rust's lifetime elision?

rust lifetime

Session lifetime in node.js with express and MongoDB