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New posts in lcov

Generating empty .gcda files

gcov lcov

LCOV branches at the end of a function

c++ gcov lcov

Is there a way to call the "deleting destructor" of a pure virtual class?

c++ c++11 destructor gcov lcov

How do I tell lcov where to find my .cpp & .h files?

With gcov, is it possible to merge to .gcda files?

gcc code-coverage gcov lcov

How to tell lcov to ignore lines in the source files

c++ c code-coverage lcov

Lcov inconsistent coverage

code-coverage lcov

Excluding certain functions from gcov/lcov coverage results

c++ gcov lcov

Looking for a way to exclude files used by geninfo/genhtml

html gcc gcov lcov

Xcode5 Code Coverage (from cmd-line for CI builds)

How to generate LCOV report based on Jasmine's SpecRunner.html?

In SonarQube what is the difference in meaning between the "Lines to Cover" and "Uncovered Lines" metrics?

How to remove certain directories from lcov code coverage report?

bash shell lcov

Is there a way to focus lcov code coverage reports to just one or two directories?

code-coverage gcov lcov

How to change the format of the LCOV report executed by Karma?

Get multiple coverage reports in coveralls for a single repository

lcov coveralls