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New posts in lazarus

Is there a central FreePascal/Lazarus Component repository?

Delphi - find character a given position/index

delphi pascal lazarus

How to determine if dll file was compiled as x64 or x86 bit using either Delphi or Lazarus

delphi winapi 64-bit lazarus

Programming screen recorder - output issues

Predefined symbol to select between Lazarus and Delphi

Which radio button is selected in a TRadioGroup?

How to Format a DBGrid Column to Display Two Decimal Places? [duplicate]

Sorting 20GB of data

delphi delphi-xe lazarus

String to byte array in UTF-8?

utf-8 lazarus freepascal

Lazarus: DBGrid showing "(MEMO)" as the value of string fields in SQLite 3

delphi sqlite lazarus memo

Delphi Data type too large: exceeds 2 GB in Berlin Update 2

Delphi & Lazarus both installed

delphi lazarus

What's the difference between Post, ApplyUpdates, and Commit for databases?

database sqlite delphi lazarus

How to call a list of the physically attached hard disks using Free Pascal, or, failing that, Delphi?

delphi freepascal lazarus

Building cross-platform Delphi applications

What would be the best solution for my Delphi apps on Linux - Delphi+Wine or Lazarus?

linux delphi lazarus wine

What is Free Pascal's equivalent of Delphi's TStopWatch?

Event assignment syntax in different Object Pascal dialects

syntax-error lazarus delphi

Where can I find a "Turbo" or "Lite" version of Delphi?

delphi lazarus freepascal