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New posts in lazarus

Delphi TFrame Create/Destroy

Why doesn't calling a function with identical signatures in different units result in compiler error?

lazarus delphi

OpenCV pointer to bitmap processing

Differences in Form Initialization between Delphi and Lazarus?

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Lazarus coding style guide

coding-style lazarus

OSX app crashing: code signature invalid

Can I use Lazarus Pascal to build for iOS AND Android

android ios mobile lazarus

Syntax rules for Lazarus Pascal procedural "Units"

syntax lazarus

How can you change the text orientation in cells in the fixed rows in a Delphi TStringGrid

Is there a way to use ONE procedure for multiple buttons in Pascal?

What would be involved in getting Free Pascal to compile into AVR, ATMega and Arduino?

Unable to read final few Kb of logical drives on Windows 7 64-bit

delphi wmi freepascal lazarus

Setting a DBGrid column format in Delphi

How to use a method of an object stored in a TList?

delphi pascal lazarus

Remove Path From File Name

delphi file-io lazarus

Get Linux system info with Lazarus and FreePascal

delphi freepascal lazarus

How can you get hints for cells in a TStringGrid appearing more smoothly?

delphi lazarus tstringgrid

FreePascal 64 bit DLL and calling C# Application

c# delphi freepascal lazarus

What are the differences between implementation of Interfaces in Delphi and Lazarus (FPC)?