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Only the home route working on my EC2 instance server for AWS for Laravel 4

Check line existence in laravel's trans()

Laravel 4 Auth:attempt not working

Laravel IoC and singleton pattern

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Laravel - Querybuilder with join and concat

Laravel 4 - Inserting multiple records when using the hasMany relationship

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Laravel Response::json() with numeric check

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Laravel 4 - Return the id of the current insert

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"Unexpected _data T_String" in Blade, Laravel [closed]

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Best method to use Bootstrap in Laravel 4

Laravel 4 target interface is not instantiable

Json giving 301 Moved Permanently

Getting count from pivot table in laravel eloquent

Laravel 4: How do I create a non-primary auto incrementing column with migrations?

Eager loading has some unexpected side effects on Model events/ booting in Laravel

Testing in Laravel, setUp & tearDown doesn't rollBack my database transaction?

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Handle datetime between php (Laravel API) and javascript (AngularJS)

Laravel 4.2 Validation Rules - Current Password Must Match DB Value

How can I allow WYSIWYG editors and disable XSS attacks using Laravel?