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Laravel 4.2 Validation Rules - Current Password Must Match DB Value

On the password reset form the user supplies current_password, password and password-confirmation. Is there a way to specify in the validation rules that current_password (it's hash value) must match the database value?

Currently I have this:

$rules = array(
    'current_password' => 'required',
    'password'         => 'required|confirmed|min:22'

Thank you.


Thanks to @ChrisForrence and @Ben, I came up with the following which works great! Much appreciated. Hope this will help someone else:

Validator::extend('hashmatch', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
    return Hash::check($value, Auth::user()->$parameters[0]);
$messages = array(
    'hashmatch' => 'Your current password must match your account password.'
$rules = array(
    'current_password' => 'required|hashmatch:password',
    'password'         => 'required|confirmed|min:4|different:current_password'

$validation = Validator::make( Input::all(), $rules, $messages );
like image 342
PeterKA Avatar asked Jul 18 '14 16:07


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The $this->current_password gives us the current_password form field value whereas Laravel allows us to access the currently authenticated user using $this->user() so $this->user()->password gives us the user's hashed password saved in the database. The two passwords are compared using the Hash facade's check method.

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1 Answers

You can't, bcrypt hashes are unique (they have their own random salt incorporated) so even if you knew the user's plain text password you would't be able do a hash-to-hash comparison.

What you can do is actually check the plain text password against a bcrypt hash by doing Hash::check('plain text password', 'bcrypt hash') on your controller.

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Ben Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 23:09
