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Most efficient algorithm for determining if X out of N inputs are true

Should software be designed with performance in mind?

algorithm to determine minimum payments amongst a group

Does YAGNI also apply when writing tests?

Sort ISO 8601 dates forward or backwards

What's the term for "double recursion"?

Algorithm to find if two sets intersect

Why use a "do while" loop? [closed]

What's the correct algorithm to determine number of user-perceived-characters?

How to measure multithreaded process time on a multitasking environment?

Combat strategy for ants

Logic game: maximising (or minimising) the chances for two agents to meet

Vector graphics flood fill algorithms?

What is sequential composition?


Finding k-nearest neighbors for a given vector?

What are "High-level modules" and "low-level modules" (in the context of Dependency inversion principle)?

Seating people in a movie theater

Given array and key, find the number of elements smaller than or equal to itself in its left and right sub array?

How would you start automating my job?

Ideas for converting straight quotes to curly quotes