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Is there an existing solution for these particular multithreaded data structure requirements?

What do the abbreviations in POS tagging etc mean?

Rotated rectangle rasterisation algorithm

Smallest Bounding Sphere containing x% of points

Optimizing cartesian requests with affine costs

Algorithm to merge two lists lacking comparison between them

What is the optimal winning strategy for this modified blackjack game?

Is currying just a way to avoid inheritance?

Why set variables inside the construct of a PHP class when you can set them when they are declared?

On average, how many times will this incorrect loop iterate?

Rewarding code projects for *complete* beginners [closed]


Referencing other peoples code


Windows Filtering Platform Callout Drivers - Samples, Tutorials, Help

Real World MVC - Dealing with Forms

Should client-server code be written in one "project" or two?

Algorithm to generate a segment maze

Difference in accuracy with floating point division vs multiplication

Valued permutation

What is the definition of a "true" multidimensional array and what languages support them?

Inserting Gujarati text into a MySQL tables results in junk characters and unreadable text