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Rotated rectangle rasterisation algorithm

In a nutshell: I want to do a non-approximate version of Bresenham's line algorithm, but for a rectangle rather than a line, and whose points aren't necessarily aligned to the grid.

Given a square grid, and a rectangle comprising four non-grid-aligned points, I want to find a list of all grid squares that are covered, partially or completely, by the rectangle.

Bresenham's line algorithm is approximate – not all partially covered squares are identified. I'm looking for a "perfect" algorithm, that has no false positives or negatives.

like image 759
Max Avatar asked May 09 '14 06:05


2 Answers

It's an old question, but I have solved this issue (C++)


Maybe it will be usefull for someone

(sorry for my poor english)

Example picture

Single line tracing

template <typename PointType>
std::set<V2i> trace_line(const PointType& _start_point, const PointType& _end_point, size_t _cell_size)
    auto point_to_grid_fnc = [_cell_size](const auto& _point)
        return V2i(std::floor((double)_point.x / _cell_size), std::floor((double)_point.y / _cell_size));

    V2i start_cell = point_to_grid_fnc(_start_point);
    V2i last_cell = point_to_grid_fnc(_end_point);

    PointType direction = _end_point - _start_point;

    //Moving direction (cells)
    int step_x = (direction.x >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
    int step_y = (direction.y >= 0) ? 1 : -1;

    //Normalize vector
    double hypot = std::hypot(direction.x, direction.y);
    V2d norm_direction(direction.x / hypot, direction.y / hypot);

    //Distance to the nearest square side
    double near_x = (step_x >= 0) ? (start_cell.x + 1)*_cell_size - _start_point.x : _start_point.x - (start_cell.x*_cell_size);    
    double near_y = (step_y >= 0) ? (start_cell.y + 1)*_cell_size - _start_point.y : _start_point.y - (start_cell.y*_cell_size);

    //How far along the ray we must move to cross the first vertical (ray_step_to_vside) / or horizontal (ray_step_to_hside) grid line
    double ray_step_to_vside = (norm_direction.x != 0) ? near_x / norm_direction.x : std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    double ray_step_to_hside = (norm_direction.y != 0) ? near_y / norm_direction.y : std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    //How far along the ray we must move for horizontal (dx)/ or vertical (dy) component of such movement to equal the cell size
    double dx = (norm_direction.x != 0) ? _cell_size / norm_direction.x : std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    double dy = (norm_direction.y != 0) ? _cell_size / norm_direction.y : std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    //Tracing loop
    std::set<V2i> cells;

    V2i current_cell = start_cell;

    size_t grid_bound_x = std::abs(last_cell.x - start_cell.x);
    size_t grid_bound_y = std::abs(last_cell.y - start_cell.y);

    size_t counter = 0;

    while (counter != (grid_bound_x + grid_bound_y))
        if (std::abs(ray_step_to_vside) < std::abs(ray_step_to_hside))
            ray_step_to_vside = ray_step_to_vside + dx; //to the next vertical grid line
            current_cell.x = current_cell.x + step_x;
            ray_step_to_hside = ray_step_to_hside + dy;//to the next horizontal grid line
            current_cell.y = current_cell.y + step_y;



    return cells;

Get all cells

template <typename Container>
std::set<V2i> pick_cells(Container&& _points, size_t _cell_size)
    if (_points.size() < 2 || _cell_size <= 0)
        return std::set<V2i>();

    Container points = std::forward<Container>(_points);

    auto add_to_set = [](auto& _set, const auto& _to_append)
        _set.insert(std::cbegin(_to_append), std::cend(_to_append));

    std::set<V2i> cells;

    for (auto it = std::begin(_points); it != std::prev(std::end(_points)); ++it)
        add_to_set(cells, trace_line(*it, *std::next(it), _cell_size));
    add_to_set(cells, trace_line(_points.back(), _points.front(), _cell_size));

    //Maybe this code works faster
    std::vector<std::future<std::set<V2i> > > results;

    using PointType = decltype(points.cbegin())::value_type;

    for (auto it = points.cbegin(); it != std::prev(points.cend()); ++it)           
        results.push_back(std::async(trace_line<PointType>, *it, *std::next(it), _cell_size));

    results.push_back(std::async(trace_line<PointType>, points.back(), points.front(), _cell_size));    

    for (auto& it : results)
        add_to_set(cells, it.get());

    std::set<V2i> to_add;

    int last_x = cells.begin()->x;
    int counter = cells.begin()->y;

    for (auto& it : cells)
        if (last_x != it.x)
            counter = it.y;
            last_x = it.x;

        if (it.y > counter) 
            for (int i = counter; i < it.y; ++i)
                to_add.insert(V2i(it.x, i));


    add_to_set(cells, to_add);

    return cells;


template <typename _T>
struct V2
    _T x, y;

    V2(_T _x = 0, _T _y = 0) : x(_x), y(_y)

    V2 operator-(const V2& _rhs) const
        return V2(x - _rhs.x, y - _rhs.y);

    bool operator==(const V2& _rhs) const
        return (x == _rhs.x) && (y == _rhs.y);

    //for std::set sorting
    bool operator<(const V2& _rhs) const
        return (x == _rhs.x) ? (y < _rhs.y) : (x < _rhs.x);

using V2d = V2<double>;
using V2i = V2<int>;


std::vector<V2d> points = { {200, 200}, {400, 400}, {500,100} };
size_t cell_size = 30;
auto cells = pick_cells(points, cell_size);
for (auto& it : cells)
    ...                 //do something with cells
like image 83
StrangeOwl Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10


You can use a scanline approach. The rectangle is a closed convex polygon, so it is sufficient to store the leftmost and rightmost pixel for each horizontal scanline. (And the top and bottom scanlines, too.)

The Bresenham algorithm tries to draw a thin, visually pleasing line without adjacent cells in the smaller dimension. We need an algorithm that visits each cell that the edges of the polygon pass through. The basic idea is to find the starting cell (x, y) for each edge and then to adjust x whenever the edge intersects a vertical border and to adjust y when it intersects a horizontal border.

We can represent the intersections by means of a normalised coordinate s that travels along the edge and that is 0.0 at the first node n1 and 1.0 at the second node n2.

    var x = Math.floor(n1.x / cellsize);
    var y = Math.floor(n1.y / cellsize);
    var s = 0;

The vertical insersections can the be represented as equidistant steps of with dsx from an initial sx.

    var dx = n2.x - n1.x;

    var sx = 10;            // default value > 1.0

    // first intersection
    if (dx < 0) sx = (cellsize * x - n1.x) / dx;
    if (dx > 0) sx = (cellsize * (x + 1) - n1.x) / dx;

    var dsx = (dx != 0) ? grid / Math.abs(dx) : 0;

Likewise for the horizontal intersecions. A default value greater than 1.0 catches the cases of horizontal and vertical lines. Add the first point to the scanline data:

    add(scan, x, y);

Then we can visit the next adjacent cell by looking at the next intersection with the smallest s.

    while (sx <= 1 || sy <= 1) {
        if (sx < sy) {
            sx += dsx;
            if (dx > 0) x++; else x--;
        } else {
            sy += dsy;
            if (dy > 0) y++; else y--;
        add(scan, x, y);

Do this for all four edges and with the same scanline data. Then fill all cells:

    for (var y in scan) {
        var x = scan[y].min;
        var xend = scan[y].max + 1;
        while (x < xend) {
            // do something with cell (x, y)

(I have only skimmed the links MBo provided. It seems that the approach presented in that paper is essentially the same as mine. If so, please excuse the redundant answer, but after working this out I thought I could as well post it.)

like image 43
M Oehm Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10

M Oehm