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Calculate difference between multiples of two different numbers

This is an algorithmic problem. To keep it simple, say I have two doubles, A and B. I want to construct a function that will give me the difference until the next multiple of A or the next multiple of B, if that makes sense.

For instance, say A is 3 and B is 5.

Consider the multiples: (3,6,9,12,15) and (5,10,15).

I'd want the function to output: (3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3), since it takes 3 units to get to 3, then 2 more to get to 5, then 1 to 6, then 3 to 9, etc...

I hope this makes sense. Ideally it's a Python-esque generator (although I'm writing this in Arduino ~ C++). I need it to be fast - really fast.

Any help would really be appreciated. My pseudocode is below, but it's not that great.

a = 3
b = 5

current = 0
distToA = a
distToB = b
for i in xrange(100):
  if distToA > distToB: #B comes first
    print "Adding {0}".format(distToB)
    current += distToB
    distToA -= distToBb
    distToB = b
  elif distToB > distToA: #A comes first
    print "Adding {0}".format(distToA)
    current += distToA
    distToB -= distToA
    distToA = a
  else: #Equal
    print "Adding {0}".format(distToA)
    current += distToA #Arbitrarily, could be distToB
    distToA = a
    distToB = b

EDIT: How would this look with multiple values? Not just a and b, but also c, d, e, etc.. I'd imagine I'd just do some more if statements, but the cost is higher (more operations per branch).

like image 423
sredmond Avatar asked Jan 27 '14 01:01


1 Answers

Unclear why you're unhappy with the code you have. If it's because there are "so many " if tests, it's easy enough to do it with none:

def diffgen(a, b):
    from itertools import cycle
    diffs = []
    current = 0
    ab = a*b
    while current < ab:
        nextone = min((current // a + 1) * a,
                      (current // b + 1) * b)
        diffs.append(nextone - current)
        yield nextone - current
        current = nextone
    for d in cycle(diffs):
        yield d

Note that once you reach a*b, the sequence of diffs repeats, so no more calculations are needed then.

like image 59
Tim Peters Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 19:10

Tim Peters