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Are endless loops in bad form?

Why do programming languages not allow spaces in identifiers?

How to tell if greedy algorithm suffices for finding minimum coin change?

Google interview algorithm puzzle: expected size of the largest connected component in a random simple graph (N nodes, N edges)?

What's the difference between a Heap and a Loser Tree in external sorting?

sorting language-agnostic

A tool to detect unnecessary recursive calls in a program?

A dictionary with a unique possible value for each key?

Best Practices for version control with multiple projects

Finding smallest angle between vectors in logarithmic time

What are good techniques to handle state and state change in game development?

Sorting Items by a Cyclical Sequence Number

Optimization of "static" loops

Disadvantage of circular queue?

How to keep code behind UI organized?

substring finding from a string

How do I compare numbers of the form a + b*sqrt(c) without intermediate integers getting larger and larger?

math language-agnostic sqrt

Computing modulus in parallel using bit manipulation