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New posts in language-agnostic

Playing with infinity - Lazy arithmetics

Function approximation

Is there any way to set or code breakpoints conditionally?

Least amount of voters, given two halves


Are there any limitations when going from binary to decimal (just as when going from decimal to binary)?

Is there a more elegant way to calculate x = (y / n) + (y % n ? 1 : 0) ?

math language-agnostic

Where is the dividing line between complete lack of planning and analysis paralysis?

Creative Terminology

Acceptable types to use as keys in a HashTable

Determining the best k for a k nearest neighbour

Does anybody still use Client Server Architecture [closed]

Should I allow a plugin to crash my application?

List of OO languages where object immutability can be compiler enforced

C# null - is it an object

c# language-agnostic null

Test if number is inside circular interval

High Level Java Optimization

What is quine meant for?

Test cases, "when", "what", and "why"?

language-agnostic tdd

find the set of integers for which two linear equalities holds true

Pros and cons of Localisation of technical words?

language-agnostic locale