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OOP: When to create derived classes, and when to implement features with conditionals?

How does Yegge's prototype pattern example handle instance variables?

What is the purpose of hex-encoding for binary data?

Least Squares solution to simultaneous equations

Algorithm for finding 2 items with given difference in an array

Is there a way to implement this very simple boolean logic using only math operands (such as mod)?

Where do you start your design - code, UI, workflow or whatever?

Deploying software on compromised machines

Why do most languages not optimise "0 * ...", and are there any languages that do?

Can I use a valid email address as a linux directory name

Addition of elements of Two Arrays

Calculating slot machine payout

Unix/Perl/Python: substitute list on big data set

awk language-agnostic

Formula for controlling the movement of a tank-like vehicle?

Best Data Structure for The Following Constraints?

Calculating how much time you can save by estimating the code you write in a year [closed]

Algorithm for a strategy game

When does it make sense to use a map?

Localization using a DI framework - good idea?

How do I generate contrasting colors?

language-agnostic colors