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Which factors determine the success of an open source project? [closed]

Loop termination conditions

Codify a measure in a database field name

Do you think Debugging (System Troubleshooting) is one of the most important measurable technology-agnostic skills a programmer can have? [closed]

Who should a method belong to?

language-agnostic oop

Is there a way I can make two reads atomic?

How do I write a desktop application that syncs with the iPhone?

computer vision: extracting info about a shape given a contour (e.g. pointy, round...)

How do disk pointers work?

Compiling the compiler - how many times?

Finding pixels that make an image unique within a list, can you improve on brute force?

TDD - Refactoring into black-box?

What is the best way for a programmer to approach learning a new language?

Preferred keyboard layout for programming [closed]

Calculate the number of times to divide by two

java language-agnostic math

Algorithm to Detect and Compare Phrases

In Domain Driven Design, can services call other services?

What is a seed in relation to a random number generation algorithm and why is computer time used to create this seed more often than not?

random language-agnostic

api documentation and "value limits": do they match?

Generating random number excluding range

language-agnostic random