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New posts in language-agnostic

Is there an *official* way to detect Windows 11?

Language Agnostic Build Management System

language-agnostic build

Generating a unique reference number strategies

Why do I sometimes hear the term "lexical variable?"

extracting a specific melody/beat/rhythm from a specific instument from a mixed wave (or other music format) file

GMail and POP3 RETR problem - switch to IMAP?

Which regex flavors support captures (as opposed to capturing groups)?

Sending money from [SomePaymentProcesingCompany] to bank account

Which classes are absolutely necessary to get a Java VM running?

Calculating diminishing size in perspective

Sorting algorithm: Big text file with variable-length lines (comma-separated values)

Is having a unit test that is mostly mock verification a smell?

Is there a common "bad word" list?


OO design: generic handling of sub classes that introduce new fields

java oop language-agnostic

sorting algorithm to keep sort position numbers updated

Algorithm to fit as many events into a schedule as possible

Intersection of a mesh with a parametric surface

Public method calls private method with the same name - what is this pattern?

Linked lists, arrays, and hardware memory caches

What is an easy way to explain how Garbage Collection works?