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Should I instantiate a collection or inherit from collection?

Does code in the constructor add to code in subclass constructors?

c# language-agnostic oop

Is an application framework an anti-pattern?

What exactly is an "OAuth Provider"?

Is a lookup table a form of hash table?

Autodiscovery in P2P Applications

Where is Bottom Up merge sort useful?

Separate Class vs Method

What are some hints that an algorithm should parallelized?

Looking for an algorithm to spit out a sequence of numbers in a (pseudo) random order

To init or to construct

How to find the mathematical function defining a bezier curve

Are the implementation details of declarative languages inherently imperative

Programming practice


Law of Demeter and return values

Different ways of observing data changes

Date Range Overlap with Nullable Dates

What's your "remember me" cookie's lifetime?

cookies language-agnostic

Expressing 2x2 Logic Grid in Code Efficiently

How to implement square root and exponentiation on arbitrary length numbers?