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Mac OS X programming forum?

Should I care that passing in a class representation of an XML settings file violates the law of demeter?

What are the best practices for preventing SQL creep?

Disadvantages of using a lot of parameters

How does the operating system detect a stack overflow?

Allowing login with email address while allowing multiple users with same email address

Regular expression matching any subset of a given set?

For classifying data into N classes, is there an alternative to using N yes-no classifiers?

Randomly generating associative operations

What's the formal term for a "foldable" function?

Multilateration of GPS Coordinates

Is the Church numeral encoding of natural numbers unnecessarily complicated?

when referring to 'Number Crunching', how intensive is 'intensive'?


Why is dependency injection better than using factories?

Detect a permutation of sequence

Fast axis aligned cell traversal algorithm

Creating a basic programming language - resources? [closed]

Fast space efficient data structure for set membership queries on small sets

Document locking in multithreading environment [closed]

is there a standard name for opposite of assert?

language-agnostic assert