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New posts in kotlin-flow

Android Room library with Kotlin Flow toList() doesn't work

Kotlin Flow - Replacement for callbackFlow

When unit testing a viewmodel with a repository that returns a flow, an error happen when converting it to a livedata

Equivalent of RxJava .toList() in Kotlin coroutines flow

Kotlin Flow: unsubscribe from SharedFlow when Fragment becomes invisible

LiveData Vs StateFlow: Should we switch from Live data to State Flow?

Kotlin Flow onBackpressureDrop RxJava2 analog

Room with Flow returns null when empty

StateFlow is emitting every time the activity paused and resumed

Trying to expose SavedStateHandle.getLiveData() as MutableStateFlow, but the UI thread freezes

Combine two state flows into new state flow

Android - How to read a value from a kotlin flow?

How to show Kotlin coroutine flow data in jetpack compose Preview?

What are the differences between StateFlow and LiveData?

Cannot resolve symbol repeatOnLifecycle in Android

GroupBy operator for Kotlin Flow

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Kotlin Flow returned from Room does not update when an insert is performed from another Fragment/ViewModel

How to get the value of a Flow outside a coroutine?

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