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New posts in kinect

Face detection using Kinect

How to lock in a single skeleton

c# sdk kinect

Kinect Manipulate Skeleton Data

c# .net kinect

How to make motion history image for presentation into one single image?

c++ opencv kinect depth openni

How can I compute optical flow from a depth image stream from a depth camera?

kinect openni

Kinect v2: Spatial resolution/ depth resolution / camera calibration

Kinect 3D gesture recognition based on skeleton movements - What libraries exist?

Could the Kinect SDK be used to count the number of humans entering or leaving a room? [closed]


Does Kinect Infrared View Have an offset with the Kinect Depth View

opencv kinect

How to determine if 4 points are on same plane

c# kinect

Pygame Segmentation error when using the SimpleCV library findBlob function

Why kinect color and depth won't align correctly?

How does Kinect calculates depth?

Using Kinect to detect objects on the floor

color a grayscale image with opencv

opencv colors kinect

smoothing mouse movement

c# mouse move kinect

How to choose Full Frames (Uncompressed) as codec for VideoWriter

Will Kinect v2 support multiple sensors?

kinect openni kinect-sdk

Convert a byte[] into an Emgu/OpenCV Image

c# opencv kinect emgucv

Kinect Skeletal Tracking algorithm - basis

algorithm kinect