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New posts in key-value-store

iCloud KeyValue store not recognized on first launch

Want to store in Redis via Node.js

Scalability of Using MySQL as a Key/Value Database

Write to several database in Redis for python

What is a good way to manage keys in a key-value store?

Redis availability and CAP theorem

How to separate redis database for same two app in node.js

List of values : Code constants or database?

Share a dict with multiple Python scripts

Difference between CloudKit and Key-Value Storage

Writing a key-value store

python key-value-store

Is there a way to represent an object of key-value pairs in GraphQL

Looking for a lightweight java-compatible in-memory key-value store [closed]

Key-value stores for medium to large values

Pro's of databases like BigTable, SimpleDB

Pros/Cons of storing serialized hash vs. key/value database object in ActiveRecord?

What's the difference between ZooKeeper and any distributed Key-Value stores?

How to store array of hashes in redis

Why are key value pair noSQL db's faster than traditional relational DBs

Storing object properties in redis

json redis key-value-store