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New posts in kernel

Access Linux kernel symbols that are not exported via EXPORT_SYMBOL*

linux export kernel symbols

Can I use Linux kernel linked list outside kernel code?

linux list kernel

Find local minimum in bimodal distribution with r

What is the point to bind Ninject Kernel ToConstant and use InTransientScope?

c# kernel ninject

why kthread have pid 2 and systemd have PID 1?

linux kernel init systemd

dev_err() function definition

fatal error: openssl/bio.h: No such file or directory


Callback on memory access?

c++ c linux memory kernel

Process Page Tables

c windows assembly x86 kernel

Developing a GUI environment in home-made OS

All the drivers in Linux works in the same context or in a different contexts?

buildroot for arm kernel defconfig

How to kill respawned process by init in linux

bash shell kernel tty

What is the behaviour of an mmap()'ed pointer after closing the file descriptor without first calling munmap()?

c linux kernel posix

difference between the physical address,device address and virtiual address

Interrupt handling in Device Driver

Queues in the Linux Kernel

What is the difference between register_chrdev_region and alloc_chrdev_region to allocate device numbers?

How to understand "((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)"?

c kernel

Redundant Linux Kernel System Calls

linux kernel system-calls