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New posts in kapt

With 'kotlin-kapt' plugin, Android Studio doesnt provide specific errors about Dagger 2

android kotlin dagger-2 kapt

Could not delete caches dir when compile Kotlin in Intellij IDE

kotlin intellij-idea kapt

Kotlin + Room : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: void cannot be converted to an Element

Failed to build annotation processor in Kotlin

CircleCI 2.0 Android Build always Failing

Change KAPT class generation path

Additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json only merges with the configurationProperties generated metadata on second build

maven spring-boot kotlin kapt

Kotlin annotation processor gives compile time error while using Room with Android Studio 3.0 beta7

Checking if kapt uses incremental annotation processing

kapt doesn't resolve protobuf-generated classes

Kotlin Multiplatform Annotation Processing

Gradle build step annotations kapt not building

kapt An exception occurred: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

Configuring kapt to process lombok annotations

kotlin lombok kapt

Is kapt supported in maven?

maven kotlin kapt

Kapt not generating classes in Instant app feature module