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New posts in kafka-consumer-api

How to delete kafka consumer group (created via new consumer api)?

Delete unused kafka consumer group

How to get last consumed offset for a consumer group?

Kafka High-level Consumer error_code=15

Error sending fetch request (sessionId=INVALID, epoch=INITIAL) to node 1001: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.DisconnectException

How to make Spark Streaming (Spark 1.0.0) read the latest data from Kafka (Kafka Broker 0.8.1)

Why do we need to mention Zookeeper details even though Apache Kafka configuration file already has it?

How does Kinesis achieve Kafka style Consumer Groups?

Can I retrieve the latest available offset for a Kafka partition without retrieving all the messages?

Multithreaded Kafka Consumer or PerPartition-PerConsumer

multiprocessing in kafka-python

Spring kafka consumer, seek offset at runtime?

how many consumer groups can a kafka topic handle?

How can I initialize kafka ConsumerRecords<String,String> in kafka for testing

What's the best way to design message key in Kafka?

What is a listener container in Spring for Apache Kafka?

how to specify consumer group in Kafka Spark Streaming using direct stream

Kafka consumer.poll returns no records

Kafka Acknowledgment vs Kafka commit

Kafka consumer does not start from latest message