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New posts in kafka-consumer-api

Simple Kafka Consumer not receiving messages

Why is Kafka consumer ignoring my "earliest" directive in the auto.offset.reset parameter and thus not reading my topic from the absolute first event?

Kafka consumer group offset retention

module 'snappy' has no attribute 'decompress'

SBT cannot import Kafka encoder/decoder classes

kafka consumer to dynamically detect topics added

On the Kafka Java consumer client, is there a way to monitor health status as opposed to simply no-data?

Kafka consumer stuck in (Re-)joining group

Kafka Java consumer marked as dead for group

Message routing in kafka

How to get back Kafka producer and consumer configuration (Java API)?

How to authenticate/authorize a consumer in Kafka for a topic before it consumes the message

How does (should) Kafka Consumer cope with Poison Messages

apache- kafka with 100 millions of topics

How to find which consumer is assigned to which partition of a topic in kafka?