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New posts in kafka-consumer-api

What is the best practice for keeping Kafka consumer alive in python?

Unable to communicate with kafka server using kafka Producer API

Magic byte in Apache Kafka

How to put data from MySQL to Kafka producer? [closed]

Bidirectional messaging system using kafka

How to set offset in kafkalistener

bootstrap-server vs zookeeper params in consumer console

KafkaConsumer: `seekToEnd()` does not make consumer consume from latest offset

How to read data using key in Kafka Consumer API?

Connect to Kafka inside VirtualBox

How does Kafka handle a consumer which is running slower than other consumers?

Spark Streaming - Batch Interval vs Processing time

kafka upgrade to .9 with new consumer api

Producing and Consuming Avro messages from Kafka without Confluent components

Is it possible to obtain specific message offset in Kafka+SparkStreaming?

Kafka consumer startup delay confluent dotnet

Kafka pattern subscription. Rebalancing is not being triggered on new topic

Kafka Partitions Reassignment Performance Impact

kafka-node start consume from last offset

Zookeeper communication protocol