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How to get elements with a unique number from a json array in PostgreSQL?

Get element by unknown key from jsonb in Postgres

json postgresql jsonb

Looking for a right EAV structure based on jsonb

Postgresql get keys from array of objects in JSONB field

Postgres select where jsonb array contains one or more elements in another array

json postgresql jsonb

postgres upsert json props

how do I perform a case-insensitive search in a Postgres 9.4 JSONB column?

postgresql jsonb

cannot extract elements from a scalar

sql arrays json postgresql jsonb

Update jsonb object in postgres

Rails Postgres how to query a jsonb column for empty objects?

Deep search within jsonb field PostgreSQL

postgresql jsonb

How can I merge an existing jsonb field when upserting a record in Postgres?

postgresql jsonb

Searching jsonb array in PostgreSQL

regex postgresql jsonb

Aggregation on fixed size JSONB array in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL extract keys from jsonb, exception "cannot call jsonb_object_keys on a scalar"

Merge JSON array to a single string

json postgresql jsonb

Getting row_number for from jsonb_array_elements or jsonb_to_recordset

arrays json postgresql jsonb

Postgres query result to json object