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How to get elements with a unique number from a json array in PostgreSQL?

I have a table bank_accounts:

    Column     |         Type          |                                Modifiers                                | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 id            | integer               | not null default nextval('bank_accounts_id_seq'::regclass)              | plain    |              | 
 name          | character varying(50) |                                                                         | extended |              | 
 bank_accounts | jsonb                 | not null                                                                | extended |              | 

And it has some JSON in the jsonb column:

 id | name  |                              bank_accounts                               
  1 | test1 | [{"name": "acct1", "balance": -500}, {"name": "acct2", "balance": -300}]

And I am using jsonb_array_elements to get a list of the accounts for one user:

select jsonb_array_elements(bank_accounts)->>'name' as name, jsonb_array_elements(bank_accounts)->>'balance' as balance from bank_accounts;
 name  | balance 
 acct1 | -500
 acct2 | -300

That's all great. But how do I get each row to have a unique id? I'd like to map each row to a hibernate object, but I'm having trouble doing that because I can't find a way to get each row to have a unique id.

like image 399
user4782738 Avatar asked Apr 13 '15 12:04


People also ask

How do I query JSON data in PostgreSQL?

Querying the JSON documentPostgreSQL has two native operators -> and ->> to query JSON documents. The first operator -> returns a JSON object, while the operator ->> returns text. These operators work on both JSON as well as JSONB columns. There are additional operators available for JSONB columns.

How extract JSON data from PostgreSQL?

2) Querying PostgreSQL JSON Data To query data, you can use a SELECT statement like in any other SQL query. You can use the native PostgreSQL operators to query the data in PostgreSQL. The operator -> returns a JSON object field by key. The operator ->> returns a JSON object field by text.

What is -> in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL provides two native operators -> and ->> to help you query JSON data. The operator -> returns JSON object field as JSON. The operator ->> returns JSON object field as text.

1 Answers

Try a different, clean approach with JOIN LATERAL:

SELECT b.id, t.rn
     , t.account->>'name' AS name
     , t.account->>'balance' AS balance
FROM   bank_accounts b
LEFT   JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(b.bank_accounts)
                    WITH ORDINALITY AS t (account, rn) ON true;

If you don't care for rows with empty or null values in bank_accounts, use a simpler CROSS JOIN:

FROM   bank_accounts b
     , jsonb_array_elements(b.bank_accounts) WITH ORDINALITY AS t (account, rn);

The key ingredient is WITH ORDINALITY to produce row numbers for set-returning functions on the fly. It was introduced with Postgres 9.4 - just like jsonb.

rn is unique per underlying row in bank_accounts.
To be unique across the whole result set, combine it with b.id.


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  • Query for array elements inside JSON type
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like image 64
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 12:10

Erwin Brandstetter