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New posts in jshint

JSHINT: how to disable the warning Missing space after anonymous 'function'

javascript jshint

Is there an option in TypeScript so that a compiled JavaScript file is JSHint compatible?

JSHint Backbone not defined in CodeKit

javascript: cyclomatic complexity of the wrapper function

Grunt/jshint - task watcher terminal output colors

Can I prevent passing wrong number of parameters to methods with JS Lint, JS Hint, or some other tool?

javascript jslint jshint

Prevent jshint from reporting that a variable is unused for specific local variables?

javascript jshint

JSLint - Undeclared 'jQuery' warning

Value of 'e' may be overwritten in IE 8 and earlier

javascript jshint

How to define custom package in angular with out jshint warning?

angularjs jshint

Bulk fix missing semicolons that JSHints finds in project

Using JSHint with Express.js / 'delete' (a reserved word)

Disabling JSHint indentation check only for a specific file

Using JSLint/Hint with requirejs

How do I make Webpack exit with an error when jshint emits warnings?

Sublime Text 3 SublimeLinter plugin not able to find jshint

Why jsHint says "'setInterval' is not defined"

Convert JSHint rules to Sonar

javascript sonarqube jshint

jshint - Create custom warnings/rules

javascript jshint

jshint: use node options, but disallow console statements?

node.js jshint