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New posts in jshint

How do I pass global config to jshint?

javascript jshint

Extending jshint with custom checks

ES6 Module export default syntax

How can I make jshint indent options work

javascript node.js jshint

Exclude a subdirectory from JSHint in my Gruntfile?

gruntjs jshint

How to integrate syntax check in Ace Editor using custom mode?

jshint ace-editor

Can the label "javascript:" cause any problems?

javascript jslint jshint

Skipping a test in Qunit

qunit jshint

document is not defined with jshint


VSCode and ES6 warnings

JSHint won't let me use 'forEach' in a 'for' loop

jshint ignore Use '!==' to compare with ''

javascript jshint

How do you configure JSHint options globally in Sublime Text 2?

sublimetext2 jshint

How do I specify the path to node in SublimeText3 for Sublime-JSHint plugin in Windows

sublimetext3 jshint

JSHint Error : This character may get silently deleted by one or more browsers

From Grunt to Gulp

gruntjs mocha.js jshint gulp

npm run cmd fails while cmd on command line works

node.js npm jshint exit-code

JSHint does not recognise Async/Await syntax in Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

grunt-contrib-jshint warning: path must be a string;

node.js npm gruntjs jshint

Turn off cyclmatic complexity in JSHint