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New posts in jquery-select2-4

Select2 4.0.0 can't select results

Aurelia trying to load HTML from Select2?

Set height of select2

Hide selected items in select2

Select2 4.0 - Keypress does not trigger selection

Select2 dropdown doesn't close on click

Does select2 dropdown support using ajax and allowing users to enter in new values?

Select2 4.0 clicking item doesn't fire select2:select

Get selected option in Select2 event, when multiple options can be selected

What are the differences between select2, and select2 full?

Select2 custom dataAdapter without AMD

select2 multiple prevents other input from submitting form on enter

What is the right way to clear select2 dropdown when using Ajax?

Add a button to Select2 Dropdown list

Capybara and Select2 Version 4

How to get jquery-select2 to display html entities correctly?

Select2 apply bootstrap input-lg

select2 changing value dynamically using jquery

Select2.js v4.0: how set the default selected value with a local array data source?

select2 display not updating label text but value is changing