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New posts in jquery-plugins

How do I make nested options for plugins in jQuery

How to use JQuery Validate to create a popup with all form error when the submit button is clicked?

Is it possible to display two/three months?

jquery plugins for truncating long text string by container width/height

Access $this in jquery plugin event

jquery jquery-plugins

How do you get a return value from a colorbox?

Integrate Small Calendar (datepicker) and Timeline with fullCalendar

Mobile-friendly jQuery slider, without bundling an entire mobile library?

jqPlot : how to color parts of background / grid with several different colors

using Tooltip to show a Row details of a Table (jQuery)

How to implement or create a Magnific Popup?

Passing this's context to a plugin

jquery autocomplete transformResult auto focus property not working

How to implement a tagging plugin for jQuery

Should I use minified or regular versions of jQuery plugins during development and deployment?

jQuery Facebox: Sends empty input field value

Is there a JQuery plugin to convert UTC datetimes to local user timezone?

datetime jquery-plugins

Best plugin for jQuery and Google Maps API v3? [closed]

Can the jquery dataTables plugin respect alternate row colors after sorting/filtering?

JQuery UI Slider for time