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New posts in jquery-plugins

jQuery Asual Address Plugin causing IE6 "nonsecure items" warning

jQuery form plugin success callback is not executing

jquery forms jquery-plugins

How to use jQuery jScrollPane and scrollTo plugins in the same script

How to use jVectorMap to get a state's name from a map array inside the onRegionClick callback?

Call a function before synchronous call

Facebook Like Button in Pretty Photo Image Gallery

jquery nicescroll

How do I write a jQuery plugin that is called like `$.myplugin.func()`?

Stylizing chained drop-downs with 'dd-slick' jQuery plugin breaks auto-update of data

jQuery TextExt Plugin: add tag after keypress "space" and click on some button

jquery jquery-plugins

DataTables - _fnAjaxDataSrc - Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

Difference between aoColumnDefs and aoColumns

Add custom class to jstree

Data is not appending to Dropdown without page refresh?

Building jQuery UI Plugins [closed]

How can I emulate the Jquery UI API?

jQuery plugin options: required, optional, inaccessible

Superfish: How to keep sub menu open after it has been clicked

php jquery css jquery-plugins

jQuery autocomplete - get the id of the autocomplete input field

How do I programmatically close an open jquery.reveal.js modal box?

jquery jquery-plugins