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"TypeError: jQuery.easing[this.easing] is not a function" in jQuery 1.9.1

JSON2 vs. jquery-json

jQuery onchange/onfocus select box to display an image?

ddslick select options won'st post value of selected option - jquery plugin

Multiple background images IE8

jquery Isotope option for auto height on element

Rotating clock hands in Internet Explorer

JQuery change hue, saturation, gamma of <img>?

How to implement a scrollspy in angular.js the right way?

how to animate numbers using Jquery

jQuery Fade in Site/Content Once It's Loaded?

Jquery Bings Maps Json reload

usage of JS plugins with webpack

Pagination with selected check boxes. Checkboxes will only work on current pagination page. jQuery datatables

Alternatives to jQuery UI Resizable

Jsp ajax call using jquery

Is there a "Rails Way" include a jQuery plugin in the Asset Pipeline?

Multiple jQuery instances with vars, events, and DOM manipulation

jquery Datatables - how to achieve Server side fetching and Client side sorting

jQuery autocomplete