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jq error "object is not valid in a csv row"

json bash csv jq

JQ can't parse an Unicode emoji character. Is it valid JSON?

How to pretty print using jq, so that multiple values are on the same line?

How I pass argument as index to jq?

json parsing jq

jq map values from different arrays

json jq

Change entry in a JSON list that matches a condition without discarding rest of document

json bash edit jq

JQ Select Objects Where Value Contains String And Value Not Null

json select null jq

Get key value of matching case insensitive string

json jq

How can I output the whole document in jq while replacing an item based on a field's value?

Extract element based on where clause in jq json

json jq

How to select a date range from a JSON string by using jq?

json macos shell jq

Modifying JSON by using jq

json bash jq

How to extract fields from a json string using jq

json bash jq

How to get root keys and key types using jq

json types key jq

Use jq to turn x=y pairs into key/value pairs

Parsing nested json with jq

json jq

Get key names from JSON file recursively using jq

json recursion key jq

Append JSON Objects using jq

json edit jq

"Ternary logic" for returned value: foo, bar or error

json batch-processing jq

JQ, how to count depending on conditions?

json linux bash debian jq