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New posts in jpa-2.0

Is there a way to reduce the amount of boiler-plate code associated with a CriteriaQuery (in JPA 2.0)?

java jpa jpa-2.0 criteriaquery

How can I retrieve multiple objects with JPA?

java hibernate orm jpa jpa-2.0

Updating hibernate version manually

java hibernate jpa-2.0

entity manager doesn't have method getCriteriaBuilder()

jpa-2.0 entitymanager

How to query an M:N relationship with JPA2?

Hibernate unsaved instance exception using @ElementCollection

EclipseLink JPA "invalid table in this context" with @OneToMany Map

Hibernate 5 and Typed Criteria Queries (JPA2)

Ehcache Vs Static map cache implementation

Using JPA2 in Tomcat 6: @PersitenceContext doesn't work, EntityManager is null

jsf-2 jpa-2.0

How to create specification using JpaSpecificationExecutor by combining tables?

Is there an annotation to define a multi column index in jpa2

hibernate orm jpa jpa-2.0

Referring to an earlier aliased field in a criteria query

How to create bogus Predicate in JPA

java jpa-2.0 criteria-api

Get entity JPA Id after merge?

jpa jpa-2.0

EntityManager.find can't find entity, but using the Criteria API does

JPA 2 -- Using @ElementCollection in CriteriaQuery

How to check a collection size in JPA2

jpa-2.0 criteriaquery

Mapping Extra Attribute in a Join Table JPA 2


Is it illegitimate to name an JPA entity "Group"?