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eclipse Duplicate generator named "ID_GENERATOR" defined in this persistence unit

eclipse jpa jpa-2.0

ORDER BY using a subquery in Hibernate JPA 2

hibernate jpa-2.0

How does one construct multi-column "WHERE ... IN" expressions using JPA's criteria API?

Hibernate interface mapping without using annotation parameter "targetEntity"

java hibernate jpa jpa-2.0

What's the default TemporalType for a temporal map key without a @MapKeyColumn or @MapKeyTemporal annotation?

java annotations jpa-2.0

JPA , many-to-many relation, deleting all previous relations and entering the new relations

NULL ID Generated Via @GeneratedValue On Composite Key Using @EmbeddedId

Upgrade Glassfish v2 to JPA 2.0?

JPA @Id and insertable = false, updatable = false throws exception

java jpa jpa-2.0 eclipselink

Spring Data JPA insert with child along with parent entity by taking id from parent

Most efficient way to insert multiple rows in JPA

java mysql hibernate jpa-2.0

PostGIS and JPA 2.0

Aren't multiple transactions supposed to concur with em.getTransaction()?

Using JPA 2.0 Criteria API and cast causes generated JPQL to fail in Hibernate

What do i get from setting this TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED

ejb-3.0 jpa-2.0

java.lang.ClassCastException: [B cannot be cast to java.lang.String

Application managed JPA, when is Transaction needed

java jpa jpa-2.0

How do you create an EntityManager when you are unsure of the unit name?

From which version on will Hibernate support JPA 2.2?

hibernate jpa-2.0 jpa-2.2