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Issues serving Jekyll to localhost, eventmachine 1.2.7 has an error when installing

Jekyll Pagination on every page

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Jekyll - getting an error when I have Paginate in my project

Jekyll - Can't Access Custom Front Matter Variables

How can I easily manage different base URL of Jekyll webpage on localhost and remote server?


Jekyll HTTP css not loading on HTTPS site

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Create custom home page with Jekyll

Bundler compatible versions for gem "jekyll"

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Jekyll / Liquid include files dynamically

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How to remove the white space in Jekyll?

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Managing Gulp dependencies when spawning child processes

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An error occurred while installing commonmarker (0.17.13), and Bundler cannot continue

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How can I make GitHub pages use the master branch?

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How can I get ordinal dates in Jekyll?

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what are some creative ways to overcome jekyll's default 'reverse chronological order' listing?

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Is there any IDE for jekyll static site generator? [closed]


Jekyll / gem: Unresolved specs

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Commonmarker gem cannot be installed (needed for jekyll) macos

Jekyll: simplest possible rakefile to create new post

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Emoji for jekyll

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