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Is there any IDE for jekyll static site generator? [closed]



Is there any IDE for easy development of jekyll sites. which supports Jekyll site generation along with sass compilation.

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Shivaji Varma Avatar asked Jan 06 '15 09:01

Shivaji Varma

2 Answers

You could try Sublime Text with the sublime-jekyll plugin.

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mjohnq3 Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09


Apart from already mentioned Sublime Text, Atom and WebStorm there is also Brackets. It has quite good Git support as well as Emmet and Jekyll. And it is basically aimed to web developers, it is lighter than WebStorm and more web oriented out-of-the-box comparing to Sublime (it has hex color preview for example). So I would suggest to have a look at it as well .

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streetturtle Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09
