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jekyll markdown bullet point issue


Jekyll Config Multiple Files


Jekyll - Liquid Exception: cannot load such file -- yajl/2.0/yajl

ruby jekyll

Jekyll on Github pages not displaying images and has broken links

jekyll github-pages

Line break in table using GitHub flavored markdown

How do I detect the current page in a Jekyll tag plugin?

jekyll liquid

Is there a way to check whether a jekyll site is being served locally?

jekyll liquid

"We were unable to load Disqus." with jekyll's default minima theme

Jekyll: Operation not permitted @ apply2files

Does Jekyll work with Pow?

jekyll rack-pow

Jekyll: Place the kramdown table of contents in an _include for hash navigation

Show pages under one folder in Jekyll?

Iterate over markdown headers to create navigation menu

jekyll liquid github-pages

Ruby on Rails separate front & back

Is it possible to stop Jekyll from generating a page for each post

ruby jekyll

How to access a data file in a plugin generator?

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List Subcategories in GitHub Pages

jekyll liquid github-pages